First Mentoring Session for 2012

I kicked my 2012 off with a breakfast mentoring session this morning. By boss, a highly successful entrepreneur gave me a 12 month personal mentoring program with him as my Christmas present for 2011…. The best gift in my eyes. I thought given I touched on Mentors late in 2011 that I would keep everyone up-dated on the real deal and any tips that may be useful.

We started with working out what I personally want to achieve from him working with me over the 12 months which was:

– Direction on my career and business development

– Sales skills

– Speaking skills

– Marketing skills

– Day-to-day skills of running a business

If I can enhance my skills and learn from his advice in the above areas I will be a very happy man!

The main points of advice that come out of the first session today were:

1. D  +  V  +  A =  S

Being  – Dreams + Vision + Action = Success – it’s that simple (but is it really?!)

2. Stop procrastination, spending hours on the internet every night searching for things to do, passions to follow, skills to gain and just GET OUT AND DO SOMETHING. This one was a hard hitter as it is a big problem of mine at the minute. It’s kind of like Richard Branson’s (which my boss just so happens to get the pleasure of his company on occasion as a future astronaut on Virgin Galactic) line, SCREW IT, LET’s DO IT!

3. Learn from other people’s mistakes. Listen to people who have done what you want to do and listen for the mistakes they have made in the past. Then its easy, just don’t make them.

Stay posted, as I will be keeping updates on each mentoring session for 2012.


One thought on “First Mentoring Session for 2012

  1. what a wonderful gift you have been given Brenton…I am certain you will nurture the education, learning and most importantly the DOING!!!

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